Recette: Savoureux Porridge / Oatmeal

Porridge / Oatmeal. As a child, cold winter mornings would Steel-cut oatmeal and rolled oats look very different from each other, for steel-cut means the oats. Oatmeal is a type of porridge made from ground, rolled, or flattened oats. The bran is removed from ground oats to make oatmeal.

Porridge / Oatmeal Ground oats are also called “white oats”. In North America, oatmeal means any crushed oats, rolled oats, or cut oats used in recipes such as oatmeal cookies. Oat and semolina porridge are in many countries the most popular varieties. Vous pouvez cuisiner Porridge / Oatmeal en utilisant des ingrédients 5 et des étapes 3. Voici comment vous cuisinez cela.

Ingrédients de Porridge / Oatmeal

  1. C’est 1 de cup de flocons d’avoine.
  2. Vous avez besoin 1 de cup d’eau bouillante.
  3. Préparez 1 cuillère à soupe de beurre de cacahuète.
  4. C’est 1 de carré de chocolat noir.
  5. Préparez 1 cuillère à café de cannelle.

Sure, we all basically know what porridge looks like, but what is porridge, exactly? And what is the difference between porridge and oatmeal? Oats porridge is one porridge I had a dislike for a long time. It was one food which was given to me twice or thrice every day as a toddler and even later.

Porridge / Oatmeal étape par étape

  1. Dans un bol, mettre les flocons d’avoine, la cannelle et le carré de chocolat..
  2. Faire bouillir l’eau et l’ajouter aux flocons d’avoine..
  3. Ajouter le beurre de cacahuète et mélanger..

Sometimes too much of anything does more. A wide variety of porridge oatmeal options are available to you, such as processing type, packaging, and product type. Porridge and oatmeal is a very healthy and substantial breakfast. I hope you enjoy my easy recipe and favorite way to make it. Looking for something to brighten a cold, dark morning?